2 1 Se p 20 09 STABLE SET OF SELF - MAP
The attracting set and the inverse limit set are important objects associated to a self-map on a set. We call stable set of the self-map the projection of the inverse limit set. It is included in the attracting set, but is not equal in the general case. Here we determine whether or not the equality holds in several particular cases, among which are the case of a dense range continuous function on an Hilbert space, and the case of a substitution over left infinite words. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 20M30,37C25,68R15,20E05. keywords : self-map, orbit set, stable set, attracting set.
منابع مشابه
ar X iv : h ep - t h / 03 09 09 0 v 2 1 2 Se p 20 03 On the Stability of Yang - Mills Bundles over S 4
The stability of Yang-Mills bundles over the usual S 4 space-time manifold is investigated according to the topological methods. The necessary gauge-and topological invaraint criterion for the exsitence of the related critical points is defined. It is shown that according to this criterion there exists no critical point even for the action functional of the standard U(1) gauge theory of electro...
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